Say hello to my little horizon blue (
#5A90A0 ) friend...
Whilst hunting for vintageness, A little ivory colored box standing in a corner caught my eye.
I went to the corner, opened the box and there she was,
a vintage, 1965 Olivetti Underwood Typewriter, alone and forgotten. ::Sadness::
I briskly picked her up and made my way to check-out to purchase her. Can you guess how much?
She even came with a mummified bottle of liquid paper white-out and vintage typewriting paper that could pass for papyrus. LOL.
Anyway, this particular model I found, was manufactured in the Olivetti factory in Barcelona, Spain. 'How ironic!'
I can't help but clack away on the keys guys! I've already typed three limericks with her.
Talk about excited...
This is absolutely perfect for my creating my 2009 christmas cards. I'm in love.